3 Maintenance Tips For Your BMW

A BMW is a fine piece of craftsmanship that you can enjoy to the fullest when you take great care of it. Because of this, you will need to learn some of the quality steps you can take to keep your car on the road, driving in the best condition possible. This requires some attention and understanding on your part, so that you are able to keep your vehicle in working order over the long term. With this in mind, follow the tips laid out below and use them to keep your car in the best condition. 

Maintenance Tip #1: Get Your Oil Changed On Time

Changing the oil in your BMW will allow you to keep your engine clean and avoid it overheating or breaking down on you. The proper schedule may vary based on your vehicle model, but a solid rule of thumb is to change your oil between 3,000 and 7,000 miles. Since BMWs are sophisticated and specialized, you should take your vehicle a specialized shop that can assist. While oil changes generally cost between $20 and $30, you will likely pay a good bit more for your BMW automobile. 

Maintenance Tip #2: Get Your Transmission Serviced

Your transmission is a part that requires some attention, since it is responsible for controlling the force of your car as you switch gears. If you drive a manual transmission BMW, you will need to get it serviced at intervals between 30,000 and 60,000 miles. In the case of an automatic transmission BMW, this range can vary greatly, but a good rule of thumb is to have this part serviced between 60,000 and 100,000 miles. Touching base with a BMW auto repair shop will help you know for sure which is best. 

Maintenance Tip #3: Get Your Tires Rotated

This repair is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak. It's easy to remember to take care of things under the hood, but neglecting the tire can have huge negative ramifications for both the way the vehicle drives and your safety. For this reason, you should shoot to get your tires rotated between 3,000 and 6,000 miles. This can save you plenty of money on repairs and help you avoid accidents over the long haul as well. 

With these three maintenance tips in mind, you will be able to take great care of your BMW. Find the help of a BMW auto repair shop (such as Autowerkes) that can assist you.
